我们威利溪 (Willie Creek) 很高兴与您分享一个好消息:威利溪珍珠养殖场 (Willie Creek Pearl Farm) 通过获得珍珠养殖许可证,增加了对布鲁姆 (Broome) 珍珠业的兴趣。
此前,Willie Creek 珍珠养殖场已获得 Clipper Pearls 的珍珠壳配额并享有某些权利。我们现已获得西澳大利亚州仅有的 17 个珍珠开采许可证之一,以及大量珍珠贝配额和珍珠养殖场租赁权。
Clipper Pearls 隶属于 Autore 集团,该集团成立于 1991 年,是世界上最大的南洋珍珠公司之一。他们被广泛认为是最有光泽的澳大利亚南海珍珠的生产商,其运营地点距离威利溪海岸仅 10 海里。
“我们很高兴能有这个难得的机会从 Autore 购买珍珠贝壳配额,”Willie Creek Pearls 的共同所有人 Robert Banfield 说道。
“我们相信,通过 Clipper Pearls 进行的研究和实施的实践,澳大利亚南洋珍珠行业将继续保持能够生产世界上最好的珍珠的地位。”
“拥有完全商业化的珍珠开采许可证的机会……是我们多年来一直努力的目标。 ......我们将继续与所有利益相关者密切合作,确保布鲁姆成为购买珍珠时的首选目的地。”
Autore 负责人 Rosario Autore 表示:“由于我们的长期合作关系以及他们对行业的高度尊重,我们很高兴看到 Willie Creek Pearls 凭借自身实力成为行业的全面参与者”。
在 威利溪珍珠养殖场, 20 多年来,我们一直在向布鲁姆地区的游客介绍澳大利亚南海养殖珍珠行业的历史和现代运作方式。
威利溪珍珠 (Willie Creek Pearls) 和威利溪珍珠养殖场 (Willie Creek Pearl Farm) 已入围著名的珀斯机场 2015 年西澳大利亚旅游奖三个类别的决赛。
2010 年,我们入选西澳大利亚旅游奖名人堂,并两次荣获令人垂涎的戴维·布兰德爵士旅游奖。
14 条评论
Laurene young
Congratulations to Willie Creek Pearls
What a wonderful achievement to add to your business.
Marietta Raymond
Congratulations one and all on a great achievement, one that I am sure we will all benefit from.
I was in Broome last year and visited your Pearl Farm and got a real insight into the pearl farming from your tour. I also bought a lovely pearl from your shop which I get a lot of comments on
Well done!!
Vicki Morton
Congratulations! My husband & I were lucky enough to be in beautiful Broome in August last year. We thoroughly enjoyed our time at Willie Creek Pearls and learnt so much about your industry. I was thrilled to make a purchase and whenever I wear my earrings I get comments on how beautiful they are. Keep up the good work and we hope to make it back to a most beautiful part of Australia again soon
Margaret Mapstone
Congratulations Banfield Family and Willie Creek Pearls. I am a pearl nutter and have purchased a number of items from Broome – love the tour
Chris Redman
Congratulations on your great news – I love my pearl ring I bought while we were in Broome a while ago – well done
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